Contemporary Art

Dec 3, 2015
În perioada 26-29 noiembrie 2015, la Chișinău s-a desfășurat cea de-a opta ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional de Muzică Corală „A ruginit frunza din vii”, organizat de Asociația Muzical-Corală din Moldova, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Culturii. Deschiderea oficială a Festivalului a avut loc pe data de  26 noiembrie 2015, la Centrul de Cultură și Artă „Ginta Latină”, în prezența tuturor participanților la concurs și a publicului admirator.
Nov 30, 2015

of Malevich is still incomprehensible for the lots of people, not to mention the contemporary art. The work of a contemporary artist is hard to understand if you don't know his background, the context and conditions the work was created in

Nov 17, 2015
To deny the African origin of Grecian civilization the Eurocentrists attack Martin Bernal's book: Black Athena. This book has nothing to do with Afrocentrism. In the two volumes published thus far, Bernal maintains that Semites from Phoenicia and the Semitic Hyksos speaking rulers of Egypt, took civilization to Greece, not Black Africans.
Oct 20, 2014
Isola district is struggling hard to survive in a difficult political and cultural context, being the target of capitalist and neo-nazi aggressions. Two days after the victory of right wing parties at the Italian elections, the Isola Art Project has once again been aggressed.

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